Friday, April 26, 2013

super sunny weather continues this week, but i've been a little weary this morning.

for the past ten days, i fully immersed myself in the Vietnamese light up research. perhaps too much. pacing yourself, whether it is work, relationships, running, reading, who-knows-what, is essential for the long-run. when something is in the beginning stages, I'm bound to get excited and eager and give too much in it.

excited for something, which I haven't yet figured out, I've been sleeping less and staying awake, even though my body signaled that I better rest.

so today, I enjoyed the serenity of a Thursday morning with my favorite flower t-shirt on. to be still

now I'm off to read/review a soon-to-be published economics article on incentives for low-income American children to study math and read more.


  1. don't forget to sleep my girl! Sleep needs you and you need it!

    1. sleep-deprivedness led to the ultimate 감기몸살 T_______T

  2. i agree, pacing is so important
