Monday, April 8, 2013

I think I'm craving more alone time/reading time nowadays, especially since my weekends have been infiltrated by too much basketball. I now have practices on both Saturdays and Sundays, both of which lasts for four hours. Considering, we usually go for dwitpooli afterwards, this basically takes up the whole of my weekend. Saturdays are the usual jungmo, while Sundays are an intense training program which consists mostly of running laps and painful exercises. I respect the girls' passion for basketball and their willingness to prioritize it over everything else. Very few people find anything in life that they have so much passion and love for. But I figured I couldn't do that myself since I need more time for career-planning and other hobbies. So I find myself increasingly inclined to ditch either one of the two practices, so that I can spend some chill time at a cafe or simply enjoying the sun when the weather permits. Maybe I can do this after the two competitions in April are over and done with. One down, one more to go.


  1. Intense times! 4 hours per day and I would die for sure. I also respect the amount of stamina your teammates have for basketball, I wonder if we were ever like that in high school?

  2. FOUR hours! you ladies DEF love to play ball- I think we just liked to hang out together, and basketball was one way to spend time together?
