Friday, April 12, 2013

The tree in front of my apartment was one of the quickest plants to respond to the temperature increase. Have not yet found out what this tree is called. Ever since I was little, I remember being amazed at how Dad knows the names of wild flowers and the trees that were distinguishable only when you carefully looked at their leaves. Perhaps it's no wonder I spent the last year and a half in high school, trying to measure chloroplast avoidance movement of various trees around our school. 

Despite the spring bloom, I couldn't be completely happy-go-merry after hearing about the recent news. I don't know how people in motherland think about what's been going on. Many of my KA friends lament that their parents won't let them visit Seoul for the summer. But what I'm concerned about is whether there is any conversation going on across borders, how will this be settled, will we be one again, how will the loveless young generation and old generation of the South respond...

Peace of mind is so difficult to have when you're occupied with work, people around you, things around you, and just about anything. I remember a pastor saying that people love peace so much that they are willing to go to war for it. What is peace?


  1. It's also sad that N. Korea is the perfect target of political satire around the world. See below. Admittedly, it is quite funny.

  2. I think "being one again" is beyond consideration for most people. They are more interested in the direct impact on their security or finance. But all in all, very few people seem to be really concerned, since they think we've all seen this movie before.

  3. @Mandy
    This is my favorite picture of the situation from the net.

    Precisely why I enjoy conversations with my German friends and would like to visit Berlin.
    seems like the news coverage here makes it sound more dramatic
    especially with this article appearing in moderate-left NYTimes
