Saturday, April 13, 2013

Ever since 2004, my birthday has never solely been my own but always ours together. Mijung's (13th) and Mandy's (14th). There were times during our almost decade-long friendship when we would be celebrating our birthdays at literally the same moment due to the time difference between Canada and Korea. It was a surreal feeling, to be able wish happy birthday to her in her time whilst the clock had ticked over to my birthday in my time. 

I received this from the recently-wedded KMLA couple JH & SY. The card from Nice, the gift from Monaco, the package sent from Paris presumably. Apparently they have just returned from their honeymoon to their little love nest in Seoul. I cannot fathom how that must feel. Unbelievable, how we have aged. 


  1. Happy birthday my dearest hippo <3 Please kindly wait a while for my gift to reach you.

  2. wait for mine as well >___<
    there will be a day when you send us these packages.
