merry new year my dearly beloved ones : ) to tell you the truth, i have almost given up on the idea of creating a list of new year's resolutions (there's nothing more disheartening than looking back on your year and realizing that you have not lived up to your personal standards), but i guess one last shot won't hurt.
the following is a vague and hazy contour of what i want for my 2015:
1> read more (2 books per month sounds reasonable. one fiction, the other non-fiction)
2> write more (via starting a blog and actually posting on it)
3> eat healthier (ok but realistically, i cannot give up my love for bread)
4> publish a picture book (writer: me, illustrator: mijung)
5> spend less (best way: refrain from riding cabs!)
6> learn a new sport (indoor climbing/surfing/skateboarding/squash are possible candidates)
7> taking running seriously (aim to finish the half-marathon at nike run seoul 2015)
8> visit the UK
9> find a potential way out of Korea
10> learn to love me more
what do you have in store for twenty fifteen?